Getting a loan from any bank means that you’ll need to have enough to cover the deposit and costs in buying your first house. Currently there's various Government Grants and incentives to assist first home buyers into the market, so get in touch with us as you may have more than you realise.
We service all throughout South East Queensland. Let us know what suburb you'd like to live and we'll find a suitable block and house design that fits within your budget. If you cannot afford the suburb of your choice, we can let you know the closest option that does.
Yes we have display homes located throughout South East Queensland. Viewings are arranged by appointment.
Our clients and reputation are our number one priority. That’s why we’ve only partnered with builders who provide high quality workmanship — the standard we’d expect if purchasing our first house. Our builders have won multiple awards for their work, yet their prices reflect a first home buyers budget. The builder we’ll recommend to you will depend on the location you’d like to live, however all of the builders we work with offer fixed-price , full turnkey packages — meaning no hidden costs!
That's perfectly ok. We'll still be able to help you - you just won't receive the First Home Owners' Grant or Stamp Duty Concessions.